COP29 will be happening from 11-22 November 2024 in Baku, Azerbaijan.

Daily Exhibits

30 Nov Pavilion Opening
Global Mitigation Potential Atlas Consortium

Global Mitigation Potential Atlas

The Global Mitigation Potential Atlas is a web-based portal showing mitigation potentials for countries, opportunities for international collaboration and case studies of successful implementation. The aim is to inspire enhanced mitigation efforts and optimal mitigation pathways to collectively achieve the Paris Agreement long-term temperature goal. 

Users – primarily investors, policymakers, civil society organisations, philanthropic organisations and research institutes – can easily identify where significant and potentially transformative opportunities for reducing emissions are located and identify the key levers for realising these.  

On an impact level, the Atlas offers a new perspective of borderless global climate action, adding to the current paradigm of national pledges and actions towards one where all countries maximise and fulfil their fullest mitigation potential and strive to optimise global mitigation resources through international cooperation.

Over time, the Atlas will be developed as an international online database of mitigation data and potential around the world, with its methodologies and data developed, maintained and updated by a growing consortium of international and national research institutions, and supported by philanthropies, governments and international organisations.

The current pilot phase, demonstrated at COP28, focuses on selected countries in Southeast Asia and is the foundation for the Global Mitigation Potential Atlas.

Find out more here.