COP29 will be happening from 11-22 November 2024 in Baku, Azerbaijan.

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2023 Asia Food Challenge Report Presentation - 10 Dec 2023

Co-authored by Rabobank, PwC, Temasek and Terrascope, and launched in October 2023 at the Singapore International Agri-Food Week, the 2023 Asia Food Challenge Report highlights the potential that Asia’s agri-food can play in reducing global carbon emissions with the urgent implementation of decarbonisation practises and technologies suited for the region. This edition examines key problem areas within the sector, and the various reachable and existing solutions that can be implemented to decarbonise its value chain while increasing food production and improving livelihoods.

This session will deep dive into the report’s key insights: What are the critical nodes in Asia’s agri-food system for closing the emissions gap, and consequently the actionable opportunities for stakeholders across the value chain?